Buddy was using only 0.85 and 0.9 units yesterday and the day before, and his blood sugars were running low.
It is fairly normal for the CGM to read wacky readings in the first day day and a half, but getting repeated LOW alarms for Buddy was a bit nerve-wrecking.
I removed the pump this afternoon and we’ll see how he does without external insulin.

Btw – the LOW alarms were mostly false alarms – I checked with the cat-calibrated Glucometer, when his sensor was reading a stable 78 mg/do, and the glucometer turned up a 124 mg/dl. I calibrated the CGM with that value – which may have done more harm than good. The problem remained. I eventually put a second sensor on him, and that behaved just fine.

This curve shows the broken sensor – bouncing off the 40 mg/dl … you can see the second sensor reading good values. Unclear what caused this – when I removed the sensor, there was some dried blood on it, maybe that explains it. Sadly that was the sensor that I used VetBond on … and had great hopes of it staying in place for at least 12 days … mais non. Removing a device that was attached with VetBond is much harder on his skin than Skinister, and he has a bit of an abrasion.
But I noticed that the Skinister Medical Adhesive remover actually helps with the VetBond as well.
Anyways … here is Buddy going out of range on his own insulin … we are going to watch it and see if he comes down again, if not, I’ll probably just give him a small amount of Short-acting U10 insulin to bring him down again.
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