More OmniPods for more recovery, and a Pod Placement Lesson

Buddy had a couple of high blood sugar events last night and this morning (probably due to stress), and I decided to put him back on a closed loop with Omnipods for another week or so of very tight blood sugar control, to give more of his beta cells an opportunity to recover.

I used Omnipod DASH this time, and mixed a new batch of U-10 Insulin for him (9 parts diluent, 1 part insulin).

Well, I ended up using two pods … the first one I placed with the canola toward his head. This made the cannula accessible to his grooming tongue, and he soon pulled the cannula out. FIASP insulin stings a bit, and maybe he reacted to that, or he just did what cats do, and groomed himself.

Here is a picture of the first placement:

In the picture above, the Omnipod is placed with the cannula (behind the little dark “window” in the OmniPod) toward his head – and in easy reach of his grooming tongue.

Below: The new pod is placed with the cannula toward his tail end. Buddy is less likely to reach the area where the cannula is with his tongue.

Omnipod placed with Cannula toward his tail, making it less accessible for his grooming tongue.






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